Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Shoulder Hurts Damn It!!!!

Well since last weekend the pain in my feet (torn up by the mats) and my shoulder have been horrible to say the least. I'm finding out there is nothing worse then destroying the musceles aorund your shoulder. Why you may ask... Well the shoulder is a stable instable semi socket joint with lots of moving parts, ligaments and muscles all working together to make the joint move in all the strange ways the human arm can move.

I'm still not sure the position of my arm when I fell but from what I remember my left arm was bent (in toweard my chest) elevated above my head slightly, I fell on it and it snapped/popped three to four times. I know it hurt like hell but the adrenaline fomr the grappling match helped subdue my nervouse system and I finished the match but probably should have stopped right there after feeling the pain set in.

So I haven't hit the mats all week and can't stand it!!!!! I'm heading to class tonight to watch the technique lesson and catch up with the guys. Injuries SUCK!!! I'll tell you right now do whatever you can to avoid them at all costs. This is one of the worst injuries I've ever suffered and I can't stand not being able to move the way I want and train the way I want.

Well I'll be posting more once I find out what's up with my left shoulder. I'm hoping the info I find out there can be posted here to help future grapplers who find themselves with similar injuries.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatories are me best friend today. I'm looking forward to my visit with my Orthopedic surgeon to see what I can do about rehad, surgery or healing of my painful shoulder.

More to come soon, stay tuned.


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