Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Joe Moreira, 8th degree black belt visits Team Pinnacle in Norco!

I could not be more excited to learn that my instructors/instructor Joe Moreira is coming to teach a private seminar Dec 27th at our Norco school. I further learned Joe was recently awarded his 8th degree black belt in a very official ceremony. You can read more about Joe Moreira here:

Joe Moreira

As a young competitive grappler and student of BJJ I am thrilled to have Joe teaching and training us. What a great Christmas present!

You can check out our new website at We have three schools and this point and our gis are all getting stitched up with our team logo now (dang I need a new gi!). Be sure to look for our blue triangle logo at upcoming events.

We just sent a contingent of competitors to Grapplers Quest this month in Vegas. One of our blue belts Jason Hartman took first place and won all of his matches by submission in the gi competition. Great news for him and for other team members who joined him from our sister schools. I'll try to list our final results once I speak to our other coaches.

Happy training as always.

Don't forget to follow me on @socialFIEND is my nickname.

Pinnacle Jiu Jitsu - Norco, CA
Blue Belt - Two Stripe

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