Saturday, June 23, 2007

Real Life Story of Success

I haven’t posted this message before but the number one reason why I started training in BJJ was to get my body in shape. It’s was July 2006 when I received my black belt in Kung Fu San Soo. I had trained hard to prepare for that fantastic day but even though I felt my skills had grown much my cardio base and overall physical shape were not what they use to be.

On Father’s Day 2006 my wife told me to do whatever my heart desired most and I said I wanted to go train with a couple of cage fighters I’ve known for a few years so off I went to get my butt handed to me. On that day rolling around with Kyle Olsen and Jeff Frater I made it my mission to train as hard and as long as it took to get into that kind of fighting shape.

I called my good friend Kardena Motter, Owner at Fitness '06-'07/personal training and nutritional consulting. She has a very unique dietary plan to get your body working perfectly from the top down. Her step by step counseling gave me the extra detox and cleansing my body needed to get rid of the junk and purify my digestive track to prepare me to reach my optimum weight.

I also started training in BJJ three to four days per week, signed up for my first tournament and set a goal: weigh 171 lbs in four months. I was about 225 lbs when I set the goal.

Here’s my amazing results picture. I call it my “Fat Ken Skinny Ken Picture”. Needless to say Kardena changed my life with her help and I am still maintaining my 31 inch waist and 175 or so weight. I love having my old body back.

I highly recommend anyone reading this who is thinking of getting in shape and training in BJJ. Set a goal, get off your butt and on to the mat. Come see us at We would love to have you on the team. You can also reach Kardena and her wonderful husband Mark (a great friend and colleague) through me anytime kenneth_knapp @ yahoo .com or socialfiend @ gmail .com.

Happy Training


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