Monday, November 06, 2006


You may ask yourself why did a guy like me start a blog on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu??? Well I'll tell you.

I've been an athlete pretty much my entire life. I was never a state champ or gold medal winner just a kid and now a man who loves competition, enjoys being fit and needs a healthy outlet for stress and the issues of life. I've trained formally in swimming, water polo, freestyle wrestling, Collegiate Rowing (Orange Coast College 88-90), running (Marathon), Trathlon (Olympic distance mostly) and martial asrts (Kung Fu San Soo Black Belt and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White Belt).

I was inspired to blog about my recent experiences because BJJ has changed my life... It all started this past Summer; I was on a personal high after receiving my much anticpated Black Belt in Kung Fu San Soo from Master Kurt Bellman (Kurt Bellman's Riverside Kung Fu San Soo). For anyone who knows KFSS the first point you are taught is KFSS is NOT a SPORT. You can't take what we learn and put into the context and confining rules of a tournament or poitn fighting event. The art is dynamic, powerful and potentially deadly. It's perfect for self defens ein life and death situations however and that's why I fell in love with KFSS early in my life and have never strayed away from it. I still have the first lessons and forms I was given by Master Ward way back in 1991.

I had initially found KFSS in college and trained under Master Bob Ward for about a year and a half or so at Racauetball World (located on first Street in Santa Ana, CA). I stopped training once Bob was called out of state on business long term. I took up full time training (four to five days per week) once again in Riverside thanks to Master Ron Gatewood who pointed me toward's Kurt's gym for the focused training I was looking for in KFSS. I spent the next two and half years focused and determined to earn my black belt and continue on with my training for as long as it took for me to acheive my Master's degree in KFSS.

At this time in my life I felt I had learned a lot about myself and my art, I was confident in my abilities, but I didn't feel like an athlete. I've always maintained a solid regimen of running, weights and diet but I didn't feel like I was really in shape. I couldn't get rid of my dreaded love handles. But I knew there was a way to get into incredible shape if i was willing to pay the price.

During my KFSS training I had been exposed to various forms of grappling and submission training thanks to the very talented Master Lari Beebe (Lari has over three decades of grappling experience and he has earned high degrees earned in seven martial arts). Master Lari wet my appetite for grappling arts again and I knew I wanted to get back to it in the worst way.

After receiving my black belt I went on a expidition to locate training partners and coaches who could show me more about submission grappling, but I still maintain my KFSS training at least three times per week and I teach Master Kurt's children's class on Mon and Wed (it's a ton of fun and i love teaching this fantastic art).

But the mat was calling me and I had to listen. All it took was one afternoon (Father's Day 2006) for me to get the bug BAD! I spent three hours that day with Master Jeff Frater and Kyle Olsen, Black Belt. Theese guys are self proclaimed technique whores who have spent years perfecting the craft of submission grappling. They both have had many tournament experiences and plenty of cage experience as well. Kyle is a Val Tudo World Lightweight Champion, King of The Cage verteran and Cage of Fire Veteran as well and both Jeff and Kyle have numerous victories in the cage and on the mat. I knew I was in for a good taste of what submission grappling was all about that day; and I wasn't disappointed.

As expected I gas'ed out pretty quick with Jeff and Kyle but I caught the bug. I thought to myself that day I WANT TO HAVE THAT KIND OF CARDIO and TRAINING. No matter what it took I was bound and detemrined to get it.

It took me 90 days to tranform my life and body. I shedded a mind blowing 44 lbs (215 down to 171) in ninety days and I now spend six days a week building my cardio base and training for my grappling and KFSS training. Thanks to Master Lari, Master Jeff and Kyle they opended my mind to submission grappling and I wanted to know everything. I searched far and wide to find more guys who were willing to roll around and show me more moves. I got the bug bad, real bad. I have to thank Master David Hopkins and his guys, Mitch, Dale, Ming and all the fantastic grapplers and KFSS students they have at the Hokins school. I spent more than a few Saturday's getting beat around my Mitch and the guys and I love visiting there any chance I get to this day.

Sooner than Jeff had expected I signed up for the 5th American National Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament. I knew next to nothing about BJJ but I knew I loved it and I wanted to challenge myself. I knew I wouldn't progress without a high minded goal, so there it was. You can read my other posts to figure out what happened to me in my first tournament but it went pretty well. I had fun, made weight and walked away with a Silver Medal around my neck. Not bad for a guy who started training nintey days before.

I'm hoping that my posts will push other 30 somethings (I'm 37 at the time of this post and i the best shape of my life, just ask my wife) into submission grappling or any martial art for the physical and pyshological benefits that are found from challenging oneself. You may not want to compete but man I'll tell you the training will make you a new man or woman.

So here I am carving out my little place to share my story online. I hope you enjoy.

Write me anytime if you have questions about martial arts training, running a class or school or simply want to chat about BJJ or any grappling stuff. I love to train and I'm an avid reader and student of the submission grappling game as well as plenty of stand up as well.

Formal Salute,

Kenneth Knapp
John Munoz Instructor/Owner
Norco, CA

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